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We would like to update you on Willow, who was named Daisy when we adopted her on November 1st. She is a German shepherd mix.

She is an absolute joy. She settled into our household easily and is a happy, friendly dog. She loves everyone she meets (people, kids, dogs) and loves to be petted. She has met our extended family (adults, 7, 5 and 2 year olds, plus a large dog), was very gentle with everyone, and acted like she knew them forever.

She loves her walks and tearing around the yard to burn off energy, but will also settle down on her own or cuddle with you. She is very easy to get along with. She still has some puppy play in her and will nip at you if she gets excited while playing. We are working on that. But she learns very quickly and sits before crossing the street or when joggers are heading in her direction. Squirrels are another matter, as she is always on the lookout for them, and does a nice job of keeping them out of the yard.

Thank you for caring to bring her from Kentucky. She is a wonderful dog, just as Elsa, whom we adopted from you in 2007, was. We hope to love her for many years to come.


















Update July '20

Willow has grown into a beautiful dog. After trying to figure out what breed she is, we believe she is a Carolina dog (American Dingo)/shepherd mix. She is very sweet, gentle and quiet. She rarely barks, even when the doorbell rings. She loves people and kids and gravitates towards them for pets. Her favourite thing is tummy rubs, and she has met a few people on our walks who accommodate her in that. She is good with just about all dogs, but definitely does not like it if someone is riding a bike with a dog running alongside. As both my husband and I are retired, Willow gets a lot of attention. She gets at least one walk a day, plus a run through an off-leash dog park, or a visit to another dog park where she can play with her friends. Her best bud is a Great Dane. She has a high prey drive and will chase after a squirrel or rabbit in a heartbeat. After losing her a couple of times in an off-leash park (a gut-wrenching experience) she now sports a tracking device and e-collar whenever she is in that situation. She also loves to dig in the backyard, especially when you are not looking, and is very quick at it. Luckily our grassy area is not large and we’ve gotten used to filling up holes and reseeding. We had her enrolled for two levels of scent-detection classes. She was very good at it and we still play “find it” to keep her interested. She is an absolute joy and we love her to bits.

















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