She has settled in quite well, she loves her momma and follows me
everywhere, she hates the cold. The plan today is to go buy some
doggies toys, make homemade cookies and her first trip to Petsmart.

Update December '14
Massie sends holiday greetings to all.

Update February '15
Massie is growing like a weed and such a lovely gal. Here she is. We
love her to pieces.

Update September '15
Attached are latest pictures of Wileyta. Hope you like them.

Update December '15
Attached is a Wiley's Santa pic for your viewing pleasure.

Update May '16
Wiley sends her greetings. As you can see, she is still a beauty.

Update July '16
Wiley found it hard to wake up this morning because of the rain. Just
thought I would share. She is such a special dog in our heart.
Thank you all because we have her. We plan a trip down to see you all
soon so you can see Wiley first hand. She has grown into a lovely,
beautiful dog.
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