Tommy is
doing GREAT. What a SMART fellow he is! He and I visit my mother's
home every day so that has become his second home where he even has
his own food & water bowls, bed and toys.
I did a DNA test on Tommy to discover his pedigree and discovered he
is approximately 4/5 Dachshund and 1/5 Parson (Jack) Russell Terrier,
which certainly explains some of his non-Dachshund traits such as the
long legs, among other characteristics.
A young couple who reside two doors away from my home, recently
adopted a St. Bernard pup. He is HUGE compared to Tommy, however the
two get along quite well; at least Tommy patiently tolerates the
slobbers and licks from Guiness. I think Guiness is fascinated with
Tommy's much smaller stature. It will be interesting to see how the
friendship develops between the two.
and I take up to 3 walks each day; early morning before I depart for
work; mid-to-late afternoon; and a final one in the evening. Each of
the walks incorporates off-leash time which he LOVES. He races around
and then stops to look for me before continuing on. The local
fairgrounds provide an exceptional off-leash area for him. In fact,
all of the attached photos were taken there. Tommy has been an
incredible addition to my life and I believe he is very happy with me.

Update October '20
Tommy is alive and thriving (and sitting beside me as I type this)
although for several years now he has been my mother’s dog. I am
simply the servant who feeds & walks him; otherwise he is VERY devoted
to my mother and literally pines for her when she is out if his sight.
His devotion switched from me in 2017 when I was gifted with a couple
of laying hens from a relative. He became jealous of the attention
they were taking away from him. One day, he simply refused to depart
from my mother’s home following a visit there and never spent another
night in my home. In 2018, I moved in with my (now) 82-year old mother
so he has all his needs and desires fulfilled between the two of us.
Simply put: he is spoiled rotten!
Shortly after adopting him, he underwent a DNA test (gum swab) to
determine his breed genetics, and we learned he is 4/5 Dachshund and
1/5 Jack Russell, which explains his longer legs and shorter ears,
however his personality is definitely 100% Dachshund based on my
experience as an owner of 4 previous dachshunds.
still LOVES his twice daily walks (down from 3 in the past) but is
otherwise fairly active for a dog his age. He had dental surgery in
the early summer to remove some loose teeth but is in excellent health
and fit as a fiddle.
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