We could not possibly be happier with Matilda and our decision to
adopt her! Where she was once a shy and timid little girl, she is now
quickly becoming a confident and adventurous member of the family. It
is truly remarkable what a positive impact exercise, rest and love
have had on her over the course of the last 6 days. After being
extremely patient and well behaved during back-to-back conference
calls this morning followed by yet another run/walk, she is now
snoring beside me while I write to you. :)
Lately, we have found ourselves having to remind each other that this
is indeed 'real life' and that Matilda (Tilly) is truly a part of our
family and not just an amazing dream. We would like to thank everyone
at the Aylmer SPCA for the wonderful reception we received on Saturday
as well as all of the care and compassion during the entire process.
Tilly has found her forever home and would not have had this
opportunity without your dedicated team of staff and volunteers.

Another major milestone happened yesterday at the one-week mark since
adoption. We went for a long hike with her cousin (therapy dog in
training) and she ran and played the entire time off-leash! She
listened to commands and had a blast, letting us take some pictures in

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