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Hi everyone,
You might have met me ... I'm the little girl always under Mom's desk at the SPCA ... I pop out when people come in (in hopes that you might feel sorry for me and give me a treat - the prednisone is making me mad for food).  I always have a great chew on the go to help my hunger pains but there's nothing like a cheese curd or anything that is edible.



My story ... one day my owner called the shelter and said that he had to give me up with my cat brother, Renard ... and it had to be done that day.  Now, if anyone knows Mom, the adoption counsellor, then you know she has a soft spot for Pugs.  Anyways, I came in late in the day with my food since I have allergies ... and boy do I have allergies ... if the wind is flowing the wrong way on a Tuesday I scratch for hours.  





So, one of the volunteers put me in the cage with my food (which the comment made later was 'she will do fine here' since I ate my food as soon as it was put in the cage!).  Apparently most dogs pine and don't eat for days ... I don't know what that's all about but this was not my problem.  Mom (Jennifer) said good night to me and said 'see you tomorrow'.  She looked at me with sadness and cried and told me she would make sure I get a great home ... you all know where this is going.



So the next day, Mom took me home to foster and well, I never left.  I did have all kinds of medical issues to deal with; I had an ulcer on one of my eyes and then a trachea collapse to follow.  Mom had a trachea surgery performed on me that has given me 90% of my life back.  I live for playing ball, I must have 10 on the go; I take it with me to bed, the kitchen, the couch, you get the idea (I'm sure there's Lab/Border Collie on my mom's side dating back to the 1960's - a very carefree time).



I run with my Pit-bull sister Cassie (also on happy tails) - we're a great team.  I have the bark and she has the bite, LOL.
My life is great and I want everyone to know that I'm the favourite (in my world).  Mom loves me as much as the rest of my siblings (6) and gives us all a special part of her to make us all feel unique.
Theia (aka Princess Theia) and at the shelter, No Theia ... that's cat food ... No Theia, that's not yours.


Sadly, Theia passed away on January 18, 2010, and she is now remembered on our Rainbow Bridge page.  Our sympathies are with Jennifer in this loss.


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