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Teddy (formerly known as Corey) has been with us for about 2 ½ months now. He is a wonderful, sweet little dog.

We did have a rocky start as he started a few fights with Tessy, one of our two existing dogs. With some work and a lot of patience everything has now settled down. Teddy, Tessy and Fred all get along quite well and the two originals have accepted that Teddy is the boss.

Teddy loves his stuffed bears and has a bed in every room in the house so he can be sure to keep track of what everyone is doing. He sleeps on his back with all four feet in the air and snores like a lumberjack. One of his favorite past times is racing up and down the stairs with his sister Tessy (yes, the one he used to pick fights with). He has been very diligent about ensuring no squirrel comes within 20 feet of his new yard and is constantly on the watch for them while out on his walks.

Teddy is a wonderful addition to our family and he is very loved!



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