have had Taco for 2 weeks now and must say that he is an absolutely
awesome little guy!!! He is so quiet and well behaved! He is eating
very well and his ribs and vertebrae are no longer apparent. : ) He
saw a vet last Thursday and had his neuter stitches removed, his
booster shots, a fecal exam was done as well as other general physical
examination. His fecal test showed a parasite that he got from being
exposed to other dogs' feces but I have given him the medication for
that as prescribed by the vet.
It is a match made in heaven. My neighbours are all excited about him
as well as my friends and family. Taco and I walk frequently every
day and he is very friendly with people and the other dogs in the
neighbourhood. Otherwise when I am home he is always cuddling.
Thank you so much!

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