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Summer Girl


Summer still gets frightened around men, even John at times. But she has a safe place under my side of the bed and goes there any time she gets scared.

Our hopes were that Summer would be John's best friend and go everywhere with him the way his previous dog-friend, Obi did.  Unfortunately for John, Summer is a Mama's girl.  She follows me everywhere. I adore Summer and we love playing together outside.  She is super smart.  She makes up games.  If she was a more trusting and relaxed pup I think she would love agility courses.  She invented one in her enclosure and when I tell her I am done playing for now, she runs as fast as she can around the tree, then the dog pool, around the bushes, in one porch dog door and out the other and then runs the course again and again.  She knows it tickles me to see her so happy and I stay a bit longer!

Here are a few pictures of our gorgeous, very smart, goofy Summer Girl. Summer loves snow and cold and is not too good in the heat.  When there is a snow storm she jumps around trying to catch snowflakes and she also pretends she is a snowplow. . . . by burying her head in the snow while running.

Thank you for taking such good care of abandoned and mistreated dogs and cats.  We are blessed to have Summer Girl as part of our family.




























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