have been meaning to email and the time has gone by so quickly. We
thought you would like to know that the two dogs are settling in
well. We have taken them to the vet for a checkup and they are both
fine. They are putting on a little weight, still ravenously hungry of
course, but looking good. They play together in the garden and are
now off the lead when outside. When we go for walks we use the lead
but around the premises, no need. They play and run and hurdle about
and jump over one another with limitless energy, and come when called
with a whistle. We changed Jade’s name to Tilly as she is such a
little Australian I immediately thought her name should be Matilda
(Tilly for short) and she is already answering to it. Spike suits his
name so well that we have kept it.
Tilly is house trained already but Spike still has a problem with
weeing in the house. We will get there. If you have any magic tricks
on this one, please let me know!
Spike and Tilly sharing the bed is by choice, not necessity.
regards and thank you for the two dogs.

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