adopted an 8 week old puppy from your shelter in Oct of 2011.
Her name at that time was Mercedes. We changed her name to
Shiloh and she has become a full fledged member of our family.

is a very social dog who has a unique ability to sense whether other
dogs, of all ages and stature, want to play or not.

including a few photos to show how she has matured from her first few
days here to her current 1 year old status as of 25 Aug 2012.

Thanks again for all your help last year.
Bob and Carol

Update August '18

Shiloh seven years ago.
We celebrated
Shiloh's seventh birthday over the weekend. She is a loving friend and
companion and keeps us fit with three walks a day and many plays in
between. We are so fortunate to have her with us. Thank you for making

Update May '20
Shiloh is still very much with us & will be turning 9 August 25th. She
loves the snow but not the hot weather which is understandable
considering that she came from Iqaluit. She is a great mix of border
collie, husky, lab & probably her DNA has a few other special elements
making her quite the Arctic Special. We have been quite blessed with
her & get lots of fresh air all year round. Shiloh is our 4th dog. She
like the others have us well trained & yes she is spoiled like all the
other dogs we adopted into our home. Her initial name on the cage
initially was Mercedes but I chose
Shiloh to be our special name for her.

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