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Hello everyone and Seasons Greeting!

Here is "Sara the Wonder Dog".  Do you remember me?

Sara, my Alaskan Husky, came to live with me in September 2008.  I saw this pretty little face on this site and had no choice.  I had to meet this little girl.  When I first saw her I said, let's go for a walk.  Well, this dog was so excited she would not walk on the lead properly and, typical of the breed, she pulled on the lead like she was a tractor trailer.

She is a very vivacious two years old now.  She was approximately one year old when I adopted her.  Being a rescue, it was clear at the beginning that there wasn't much that had been done with her as far as training was concerned.  She was underweight but my vet gave me some good tips and she was a healthy 52 lbs before long.  We had to go through the house training refresher for about three weeks but that's OK.  The carpets in my basement needed a good cleaning anyway.  Then we tried obedience school.  She failed miserably.  She reminded me of myself as a child in school.  Not paying attention at all and always disturbing the class!  I honestly thought she was ADHD!  We persevered and she came around but we had to do it in a more private environment at home.  

I have a 5 foot fence in my backyard and it didn't take Sara long to figure how to clear the fence clean and escape.  The neighbours got used to seeing her run around and she became easier to catch after awhile.  This girl can go 0 to very fast in 2 seconds and to her it was a game for me to try to catch her.  That too came to pass.  I still can't let her off the leash outside because, typical of the breed, she has a mind of her own and thinks she is the boss.  With a lot of love and training she comes when she is called now ... sometimes.  She loves other dogs but wants to dominate, especially other females.  This winter I bought her a baby sled and a harness (early Xmas presents) and she loves it.  She loves the snow and loves pulling some firewood in her sled.

She changed my life.  When I get home after work, she jumps with joy and brightens my day.  It makes it all worthwhile.  She is a handful but when she smiles at me I forgive her little faults.  I was a couch potato before but now thanks to Sara, we go for walks twice a day and it benefits both of us.  I want to thank your shelter for doing an excellent job rescuing animals.  Especially the Alaskan huskies produced from these dreadful outfits who only care about the "special sled dogs".  Congratulations on rescuing the last batch posted on your website.  By the way, when are Kiska and Nikea due for their puppies?





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