I just wanted to give you an update on Sweet Samson. He is learning
that his people come back if they go away, cats DO NOT like to play
with him (hahaha), leash training is progressing slowly but IS
progressing. Samson is learning what toys are all about and what
Shhh...Good-Night means. He is a very enthusiastic greeter and is
learning to come and SIT to say Hello. All this in just a few days!
knew he was intelligent but I do not consider myself an excellent
trainer, however lots of positive re-enforcement works well with
Samson; he just loves to be loved and he loves everyone!
Thank-you for caring for Samson till he found his Forever Home.

Update August '20
Samson/Hank has been my buddy for several years now and wow, he has
grown! When I first met Hank and took him for a walk outside, down the
street and by the river, I knew he was a quick learner, eager to
please and very intelligent. I was not deceived. He did have lots to
learn however. I recall his first night home he stood and watched as I
got ready for bed and went to my room; he was curious what was
happening next. I taught him "go to your bed" and "goodnight" and the
2nd night he knew the routine already! Hank learned NOT to jump up and
"hug" me in greeting. Next was putting an end to counter grazing.
This took much, much longer to teach as we had to learn first. In the
meantime Hank ate several pounds of butter, bread and a variety of
other things which were left on counters. One time our dog sitter
left a box of Chewy Chocolate Dipped Granola Bars out and we returned
home a few hours later to find an empty box and most of the 20 or so
empty wrappers on Hank's rug. Hank quickly became best buddies with
our orange
Tangerine, however, Tangerine remains boss of the domain, often taking
over Hank's bed. Hank is still healthy, though somewhat overweight
(all that butter he ingested!) He is calmer and becoming more
disciplined and sedate. His worst trait is his shedding over which he
has no control. We vacuum and mop a lot...thanks for my friend.

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