Martin, Polka
and I wanted to give you an update on Robbie, who joined our family in
mid-September. We're happy to report that not only has Robbie adjusted
well to his new home, but Polka and he have quickly become the best of
friends! They are inseparable!!
Robbie has had his first vet appointment and his first long distance
trip - he travelled to Collingwood, Ontario where he met his two
sheltie cousins. He goes running three or four times per week and
visits the local dog park only a daily basis. He's been hiking in
Gatineau Park and Pretty River Provincial Park - and he'll be going on
his first camping trip later this month! Adopting Robbie has been one
of the best decisions that we have ever made!
We are so lucky and happy to have Robbie as part of our family.
We've attached a couple of photos along with this update.
All the best.

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