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We would like to wish all the staff, volunteers, and furry friends a very Happy New Year!  Thank you all for your hard work and love!  You're doing a very special thing!  

We adopted an adorable little puppy last year in July and he has really helped to make our family whole.  His name is Reese and he is a big Black Lab/Shepherd mix.  When we got him he weighed about 20 pounds and has since grown into a handsome 70 pound stallion! (His ears are his signature look.)



Reese is a not so little, little brother to Chloe, our 17 month old Husky mix.  For them, it was love at first sight.  He loves to wrestle with Chloe even though she always gets the best of him.  He always goes back for more.  Lately she has been dunking his whole head under the snow, but he doesn't mind since we often find him making snow angels.  They really do love the snow.


Reese is such a sweetie.  He is so calm and gentle and loves to snuggle.  He loves to love, and be loved.  His size has made him very awkward so he needs a good running start from the hallway to get onto the bed for his morning belly rub.  He would lay there all day if we would just keep rubbing him.  Chloe also loves her morning snuggle then moves on to cleaning Reese up for the day ... she starts licking his eyes then his ears and sometimes sneaks into his mouth.  He is also starting to become a very good guard dog and keeps alert when he hears something.  He also LOVES to play fetch ... almost a little too much. 



Thank you all again for your kindness.

Much love,

Jolene, Ian, Chloe, and Reese



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