wanted to send you an update about Q.T. Penny, whom I adopted last
February, just after her first birthday.
She adjusted beautifully to her new home, and is a very happy cat that
has her own web page. Her "diary" and many photos are at:
Here's one you'll see there:
Penny has taken over Simon Teakettle's Facebook page:
well as the blog and the growing Fan Club:
The Fan Club has more than 250 cats, more than 100 dogs and 51 other
species from 31 countries on six continents! It supports a variety of
charities, including the Aylmer SPCA.

Update May '20
happy to hear you're all well and still providing shelter to older
pets as well as puppies and kittens. I always recommend a no-kill
shelter like yours because I think older animals make great pets,
especially for seniors or busy families.
Penny Teakettle is thriving, learning new tricks, including how to use
her paw to access a puzzle feeder. I'm attaching some photos.
posts every week to her blog at:
and also to many other pages on the website.

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