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Pokie came home with me two weeks ago today, and it seems like he's been here much longer.  He is very versatile, loves hanging out on the couch as well as being a great walking partner (I walk, he runs). He's from Kentucky and sometimes I wonder if he thinks he's a racehorse!  He has lots of room to run, as our house is surrounded by hayfields, but he is very good at coming back when I call him. Our cats are slowly getting used to Pokie. They weren't too happy at first and have taken up residence on the second floor, but they're all gradually getting used to each other. Pokie is a little timid when he meets new people, but he enjoys being in the kitchen when friends come over and curiously checks them out. He's very smart, and has managed to charm one friend who's afraid of dogs. He has a sweet, at times mischievous personality, and we love him to bits. Thank you so much for letting me adopt him. The staff were wonderful, the whole experience was positive. My only wish is that all of your beautiful animals will also find their forever homes soon.












Update December ‘20

I adopted Pokie three years ago today, and he continues to fill the house with his special brand of puppy love and charm. He is a great friend to the cats, and pretty much loves everybody except the squirrels. He alerts me whenever they try to take over the bird feeder. He’s my quarantine buddy and my personal trainer, and he treasures his red bone, which was his first toy. Thank you so much for everything you do, wishing you all a happy holiday and a better 2021!



































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