We have had a
wonderful week getting Moxie settled in. We have changed her
name to Pixie, and she responds to it as if it has always been her
name. She is a happy girl, following me constantly and
wriggling with happiness when I come home after an outing. She has
bonded quickly with everyone but especially me, she follows me
She is very playful. She rejected a rope toy, but has two favourite
balls. She loves to roll around in the yard, throwing her ball up in
the air, pouncing on it and batting it with her paws, more like a cat
than a dog. We are teaching her how to play fetch down on the beach
where there is a lot of space for her to run. She's good at the
chasing, but would rather have a good roll with the ball than bring it
back. She also enjoys lying on the deck in the sun. We have
kept the patio door open so she can wander onto the deck when she
She visited
the vet and had her stitches out, and got a few new vaccinations
beyond the ones given at the SPCA. We continue to feed her high
calorie puppy food, 4 times a day (6:00 a.m., noon, 6:00 p.m., and
right before Kieran's bedtime around 11:00 p.m.). She is gaining
weight - her SPCA vet report said she was 21.6kg, and our vet
appointment had her at over 26kg. She loves feeding time - we have
bought her a puzzle bowl to slow down her eating, otherwise meal times
would last about 15 seconds. She often wakes me at 4:00 a.m. and 5:00
a.m. to see if it is breakfast time - she has no interest in going
outside, she's just checking to see if it's breakfast time yet.
We had a
wedding to go to on Saturday and left her at home, loose for about 4
hours. When we got home there were no messes, and the cats, the
furniture, and everyone's shoes were all just fine. She doesn't seem
to chew on anything or get into garbage pails, or any of the trouble
that younger puppies find. She is just such a good dog. She knows
the commands to sit and lie down, doesn't really jump up on people
(except me, she has started jumping up when I arrive home, we are
working on that) but she doesn't bark or jump when new people come to
the house. She's quiet and calm and gentle and laid back with
We have only one serious problem with Pixie. She is very spooked by
other large dogs, both male and female, even if they are neutered.
She lunges at them with a very aggressive snarl/growl/bark. Sometimes
she wuffs in curiosity and even wags her tail, but inevitably that
turns to her aggressive bark. We are working hard on this issue,
exposing her to the neighbouring dogs (Kaylee the gentle Boxer/Lab
across the road, Blue the Collie and Max the German Shepherd next
door, and most often with Guinness the black Lab that my friends
own). We have taken her on several walks with Guinness, hoping to
form pack bonds, and we have tried having me pet and handle Guinness
or Kaylee and letting her smell my hands. We make her sit, and tell
her "No!" and "None of that", and pull her back when she is having her
aggressive episodes. She clearly has conflicting feelings because she
also whines and wags her tail after we've calmed her barking. If we
stand around talking (with both dogs on leads) she will even lie down
patiently - then if the other dog catches her attention again, she'll
leap up and bark or growl.
If you have
any suggestions on how to deal with this issue, please let us know.
It is more than just curbing her behaviour - we'd like to help her
feel safe around big dogs, and eventually become playmates with Kaylee
and Guinny. Guinness's owner is willing to keep her if we ever need a
weekend pet sitter, but only if she and Guinny become friends. She is
also hoping to come camping with us, but only if she can handle
strange dogs. She has no problem with small dogs - we met several
during our
"test drive" with her at the SPCA, and we've met a few small dogs on
her nightly walks as well. She sniffs noses and wanders on, with
little interest in small dogs at all. But the aggressive barking and
lunging happens with every large dog we come across. (We are prepared
for this, and she is not strong enough to pull out of a shortened
leash.) If you have ideas for how to help with this, I'd love to have
We're very
happy to have her in our family, and she is a very happy and loving
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