Pippa was "model thin" when we first adopted her (28 pounds when we
first got her, while now she's 54)!!! She's still somewhat shy and
quiet, but has come a long way from her early days. She loves the
outdoors and thrives at the farm. She loves chasing the geese that
land in the fields at our farm. She gets very excited to go out and
chase the "birds" in the fields, but is perfect around our chickens
(she recognizes that they are part of the farm and never chases them).
Winston and Pippa were buddies and she definitely misses his
companionship (as we all do). We feel that another dog would be great
for all of us, and think a puppy would be ideal.
Pippa loves going for walks around the farm, and through the forest at
the back of our property. She's a bit of a princess though when it
comes to burrs. When she first arrived at the farm and she got one in
her fur, she'd stop, drop and roll attempting to get it out. That
only encouraged Winston to herd her right into every burr bush on the
property! We spent many an hour grooming burrs out of her fur that
first summer. She's since learned to avoid most plants, but still
hates getting the occasional one on her thick coat.
One thing she still adores is sausages! Although she's a picky eater,
and doesn't like many types of treats, she adores them. I believe they
were her favorite treat while being brought back to health by you
folks. Now when we cook some up, she's right at our side hoping for a
special treat still! She also loves Marrow bone treats (Thank Goodness
- they're a lot easier to have on hand).
She loves taking car rides - especially if we're going to other
trails! We started going backpacking, and she proudly carries her pack
on our trips. She's very good on leash and while at the campsites.
Attached are some pictures of Pippa from the last 5 years.

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