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Pippa (aka Pipsicle, Pip Tart, and Pippapotamus) sends you licks and happy
sneezes from her new home in Parry Sound! Jack and I send many thanks
for your work and care there at the SPCA, for bringing Pippa down from
Iqalauit, and particularly for letting us adopt this lovely girl.

Pippa slept most of her car journey back west, and didn't seem to mind
staying at a hotel when the snow storm got too bad to drive. She didn't
bark even once there, so she is officially a hotel-approved traveller.
We're also hoping that she likes tent traveling too since we can't wait to take her canoeing and maybe even kayaking when this white stuff eventually melts. 

Pippa was 80% snuggler, 20% playful pup on the first day after leaving Gatineau, but now after some solid rest, she is 80% playful pup, 20% snuggler. She is doing her best to tempt her lazy older brother Benji (sad-eyed Shepherd Couch-hound from Romania) into playing, and has had some surprising success. We're fully enjoying the pep Pip has added to our household, as well as the manyfold increase in love over just these couple of days. I can't wait to see what adventures we get into together.  Please see the attached photos for some of what we've been up to so far.

We would love to know more about Pippa's story before the Gatineau SPCA - if you happen to know anything about how she came to the shelter in Iqalauit, how long she was fostered for up there, how long she has been called Pippa, and whether she had any cat-friends, we'd really appreciate knowing more. Thank you again for all your work looking after our fellow animals who don't have a human voice and need protection in this world.







































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