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Hello! I would just like to thank you for introducing Sadie who now goes by Pepper to our lives. It has only been a short while almost 2 weeks and she has already won over everyone’s hearts. She is the most loveable pup ever. She is very well behaved and settled in very nicely. We absolutely love her to death.

Pepper is such a fast learner already knowing that the back door indicates you need to go to the bathroom. We still have a few accidents but that is to be expected. She has learned so much faster than we imagined in the house breaking area! We couldn't be more proud. Pepper knows doing her business outside means lots of treats and pets/cuddles.

She loves running around outside on the warmer days, we have an extended leash for her that we attach and she runs and plays with us in our large yard. She is very affectionate and it’s the most warming feeling ever. Waking up in the morning to someone so excited to see you or even when you come home just from getting groceries to a puppy so happy you are home.

Pepper is absolutely the best fit for us and her. We love to spoil her with toys as our living room now is filled with dog toys. She likes to keep them organized, she will pick them up and put them on her special blanket, and if she is playing with one in another room when she is done with it she takes it back to her blanket

We have a game with her when we walk up the stairs from doing laundry or anything in the basement she runs ahead of us and watches us walk up the stairs, so we get down on the floor to her level and crawl up the stairs and slowly get to the top and then once at the top she starts to play and crawl and chase her. She absolutely loves it.

We took her to the vet within the first week and she is a healthy dog. The vet absolutely loved her. She said she has a bit of an underbite which is nothing to worry about. When she smiles it’s the cutest thing ever! Everyone who meets her says she is the most adorable and loving dog they have ever met!

We are very fortunate to have found Pepper. We tried to adopt a few dogs in the past but never had made it in on time, which we believe was meant to be so we could get Pepper. Thank you for making our Christmas and Pepper’s the best one ever!










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