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I just wanted to thank you and all staff for saving Peggy.  When we adopted her we did not know that she had been saved from a kill shelter in Kentucky.  We thought she was local and had no idea that your reach is so far.  This explains why Peggy was so timid at the beginning - clearly she has been confined and travelling for quite some time.  Well she has found her forever home and we are very happy.  I cannot believe that she was sent to her death for killing a chicken.  This little angel could not kill a fly.  Our veterinarian examination today was perfect - Peggy passed with flying colours and charmed everyone in the office.  She was rewarded with a new bed and toy !  She still hasn’t barked (we don’t know her voice) but her little tail is wagging and she loves her walks!  Thank you for saving her.























Update July '19

She is not shy anymore - full of beans at the cottage and loves to chase chipmunks. She is not interested in water or swimming yet but this will come. In the weeks we have had her there has not been one accident and she always comes when we call (at the lake - city is the leash).













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