Remember me? I was adopted in August. My name at the shelter was
Pumpkin, now it is Miller (that is what it says on my tag, anyway!!).
I have grown to a whopping 4 lbs so far. The vet says I am very
healthy. I only eat dry food and drink lots of water. I love to play
fetch with small foam cat balls. I will also carry around and groom 2
stuffed animals, my big mouse and a little orange kitten! I only go
outside for a bit on a leash, and am hoping to find that chipmunk who
keeps teasing me at the front door...
Say 'hi' to all of the staff who cared for me! I hope that the feline
friends I met there are all safe and happy.
My owners are interested to see what will happen once they put 2 trees
up in the house. It is a weird thing to do, but I am sure I will LOVE

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