thought I’d touch base with an update on Apollo (now McLeod!) :) He
is really starting to come to life and loves waking up in the morning
to breakfast, a walk down the driveway and cleaning up spilled kitty
been to the vet for his boosters and additional vaccines and she says
he’s got a long way to go as far as building muscle and strength, but
that good food and slow steady, frequent short walks should see him
gain the 7-10lbs of good weight that he needs. She said he'll be quite
big for an Aussie, but he could really thrive!
made some kitty friends and a happy side kick to my mom’s 11 year old
golden doodle. His recall is amazing and he is never far from my side
no matter where we are.
take some more pictures as his fur continues to grow and as he goes on
more country adventures. Thank you for taking a chance on this once
scraggly and neglected boy – he is so sweet and I will keep working
away on helping him get the life he deserves,

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