adopted Mango on April 1, 2015, after returning from my trip to Costa
Rica, where I thought of the name Mango for my future dog. I had
decided that I would get a dog when I came back from my trip, so the
day after my return, I went to walk dogs again and it was love at
first sight when I met Mango. He is the best dog I could ever have
imagined living with, such a sweetheart, so smart, well-behaved and
energetic. I am lucky to have a great off-leash dog park a few blocks
away from home and Mango gets 2 or 3 walks a day in woods, and/or lots
of socializing around the perimeter of the park. He is friendly with
all dogs and humans.
This year I went to India, but before leaving, I was still checking
the SPCA website and had noticed this cat Luther back in October, and
when I left in January, he was still there, so I told myself I would
go meet him if he was still there when I came back in Feb. Well he
was still there, and even a month later in March he was still there. I
had to go meet him and see why this cat was not getting adopted in
almost 6 months. What a surprise to find a super friendly, playful,
talkative, sweet cat. I fell in love and took him home the next day.
After a day I introduced him to Mango, and they bonded instantly. It
is an amazing sight to see this cat and dog play wrestling, chasing
each other, and grooming each other. I could not have dreamed of a
better relationship between my dog and cat. My older cat Oakley took a
bit longer to convince, but is starting to be nicer to Luther.
Overall, we have a very harmonious life.

I thank the SPCA for the work they do. I encourage anyone I meet who
is looking to get a dog to go and check out these wonderful pets that
need homes and have nothing but love and affection to give.

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