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We are loving our new Luna more and more each day!  She is
having a ball twice a day at the off leash dog park in our neighborhood.  She loves to herd the other dogs.  She is responding when I whistle and comes back most of the time.  She is really pooped at the end of the day!  Kobe absolutely loves her too!  He talks to her and paws at her to play.  Luna has settled in extremely well! 




We went to our vet today and he says she looks great!  She was awesome!  She sat and laid down when asked!  A model canine patient!  He thinks she is a lab/border collie mix.  He couldn't believe we only had her for three days and he loves her sweet personality.  She barked in the middle of the night last night and I went to see what was going on.  She barked to tell us that Kobe needed to go outside to do his business. 





She doesn't like to get into our vehicles but she will follow Kobe.  Once she is in, she settles down and curls up beside him or actually sits her bum right on top of him!  She loves to watch the squirrels in the backyard, run around and play with the frisbee and ball with Kobe.  She will be coming up to our cottage this weekend and I bet she will love swimming! 

We are very thankful we visited you last weekend and adopted our adorable Luna!



Update June '12 ...

Here are some pics of our pretty Luna (formerly Samantha).  We have had her for two weeks now and she has settled in wonderfully.  Kobe, our 2 yr old lab retriever, is just loving her company.  In fact, they are inseparable as you can tell from the pics I am sending you.  



Luna is a very smart girl and can hold her own at the dog park.  We are working together on dog obedience/manners and she is doing amazingly well in such a short time period.

We are really happy we visited the Aylmer SPCA.  Luna is enjoying her new home, dog friends and the cottage.  

Thanks again.


Best regards,

Marisa and Steven


Update October '12

Just wanted to give you and the staff at the Aylmer SPCA an update on Luna (formerly Samantha) for your Happy Tails section on your website.  Luna has adapted very well to her new environment and family.  Over the summer, she has learned how to swim and run off the dock at the cottage, went fishing and enjoyed the boat rides at the lake and  had fun playing with her new canine friends at the dog park.  I have worked very diligently on a daily basis with her basic obedience training and she can now sit, down, stay, heel, come, drop (the ball) with verbal and hand signals.  She is able to perform these commands on and off leash.  The orange ball is her reward ... and she will do anything to play with that ball at any time of day!

We are so fortunate that we have her in our lives.  We realize that when we went to visit the Aylmer SPCA that we really didn't know what to expect as we never adopted a dog before.  It didn't take us too long to realize that Luna adopted us as she came right over to Kobe, Steven and myself.  All she wanted was some affection and some TLC with boundaries.

We want to challenge her further so we  have just signed up for Beginner Agility Training.  I have also introduced her to the horses that I work with and she is learning not to go in the paddock area.  She gets a little concerned when I am riding but settles down in a short time.  She loves to run in the country  fields with the other dogs and  sleeps very well after a day out in the country.  Her best K9 pal is Kobe (our 2 yr old yellow lab).  They are inseparable!!!  She loves to snuggle up with him when they are chilling!

We are very happy to have Luna in our lives.  This has been a very rewarding experience for our family.  Thank you very much for introducing her to all of us.

Best regards,

Steven and Marisa 





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