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I hope you are all well. Happy Thanksgiving to all of you! I was reflecting this morning on all the things that I have to be thankful for and at the very top of my list is my little Lucy (previously Gloria) who usually goes by Goose. The nickname started as calling her Lucy goosey until it just became second nature to call her goosey or goose. She gets Lucy when she's in trouble.. but it's impossible to stay mad at her little face.

I honestly can't thank you guys enough. I am grateful everyday that she came into my life. She was exactly what I needed at exactly the right time. She's my perfect little match. I tend to plan my days around "where can I go that Lucy can come with me?". She loves car rides and meeting new people. She puts up a fuss when she can't stop and say hello to someone on our walks. 9 out of 10 people she meets are surprised that she isn't a puppy…she has a permanent baby face. The change in her personality since adoption almost a year ago has been amazing to watch. She went from a shy little thing to the biggest personality I've ever seen on a dog. It's usually Lucy’s way or the highway. She is the most stubborn, sassy, funny, sneaky, loving little dog I've ever known. I can't tell you how much I love her. Watching her play with her big brother is something else. Although he has 100 pounds on her, you'd never know it. They love to play tug of war with their big rope…she never gives up and is determined that one day her 10 pound little frame will be able to rip it away from him. She loves her dad and her brother but she is most definitely a mama’s girl and I wouldn't have it any other way.

I just wanted to share some pictures and this update with you all. I could never say thank you enough for bringing this little girl into my life but thank you from the bottom of my heart for my little fur soul mate.






















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