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My Mom and I adopted Lily (previously known as Mallory; though now also frequently called Lamby, Little Bear, and Lil' Bug) exactly six months ago (October 3, 2019). Today's our half dog-a-versary! She snuggles with us every night on the sofa. She's our big marshmallow goofball, and we love her very dearly. Lily now spends her day doing activities, including: rolling upside down in the snow during her daily walks, playing with her squeakies and stuffies, sleeping with her designated "blankie" on cold nights, patiently watching the birds and squirrels (but, the real joy is when she sees deer), closing her eyes when photos are being snapped, sticking her head out the car window to let the wind blow back her luxurious ears, soaking up the sweet sweet rays, nudging her big sister, Sarah, in the butt, sharing sticks with her, and licking the cat's head too, obviously breaking every rule of social distancing.

During this time, Lily, always a nutbar, keeps us smiling and laughing. She travelled all the way from Kentucky just to steal our hearts.

Thank you for your kindness.




























Update October '20

We just wanted to give a quick update on Lily. Today’s her one-year adoption anniversary! She’s doing fabulously! Of course, she’s still a big goofball.

She loves to spend her time upside down on the couch ­whenever we walk by and she’s “sleeping", she sticks her leg out for a tummy rub. Over the summer, we took Lily and her big sister Sarah to the beach. After she saw Sarah in the water, she figured it would be OK to join too. Lily even swam a little bit, but I was so excited I forgot to take a photo!

We cannot thank you enough for saving Lily. Life without her certainly wouldn’t be as bright. We love her very dearly.

Thank you so much and we hope everyone is staying safe.










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