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I thought you would enjoy these photos of Laika at the dog park tonight :)

She’s such a happy, energetic girl! We haven’t been able to tire her out yet. She wants to be best friends with every dog we meet. She’s a huge cuddle bug and still sleeps in bed with us every night.

We couldn’t have asked for a better dog!













Update May '19

Here are a few recent photos of Laika enjoying the spring so far and making friends with our cat.

She’s halfway through her obedience classes and doing well! She still struggles with separation anxiety, but she’s slowly becoming more independent - for example, sometimes she’ll sleep at the foot of the bed instead of on my pillow :)

She’s very affectionate, playful, and calm - until she sees a squirrel!

We love her very much and we’re so glad she’s part of our family.























Update March '20

It has been a year since we adopted Laika! She is the sweetest little dog in the world and brings us so much happiness every day. We are looking forward to many more years with this little love bug. Thank you for bringing Laika into our lives!













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