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We adopted Gary (now named Kenny) about a month ago. We just wanted to let you know he is doing really well. He had some minor health issues at the start, mostly to do with his recovery from being altered but is now quite healthy. He loves to play fetch and play with the other members of his pack. He is a really smart dog and we are working with a trainer to help him navigate the world.

One of those members is Lolita who we adopted in 2012. She will be in 10 in April and is doing really well. We are looking to many camping adventures with the two of them this summer. Thank you for your work.

























Update August '20

Just an update on Kenny, he’s doing really well. He is quite strong and active. We did a DNA test on him and he’s mostly Chihuahua (which we knew) and part Maltese, which surprised us. He did lose a lot of hair this summer, seems to be genetic.




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