have had such a busy time this past 8 months the time has just flown
by. I’m a big girl now and very smart and very strong. I’m lazy and
love to snuggle all day if I’m allowed but mommy keeps me busy playing
some of my favourite games. I love tracking ANYTHING and am very good
at it and soccer, fetch, playing only with my toys and I swim like a
fish too! I love going to the cottage and playing with all the
neighbour’s dogs in the water all day. I am the luckiest puppy to have
found my forever home! Love always for taking care of me and giving me
a chance when no one else would. I made it!

Update December ‘20
Kalli is doing very well! Her tummy troubles are finally gone and she
has gained a little too much weight in the last year! She has bursts
of crazy energy and loves to play then she gets really lazy and loves
to snuggle and sleep for hours. She makes us laugh all the time
because she is so goofy. This is her favourite time of year and gets
so excited to play in the snow.
Thanks for saving this little (bigger) girl and bringing us together!
Happy Holidays to everyone and all the animals at SPCA!
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