Judique (formerly Bonnie) came into our lives a year ago. She
was 6 months
at the time. Over the past year we've gotten to know her really
well and teach her the rules of the house and her basic commands.
She is very friendly with everyone she meets and loves playing with
all dogs.

Judique lives with 13 year old Bear, whom we adopted from the SPCA of
Western Quebec 5 years ago. She copies him all the time.
If he sniffs something, she has to sniff it too. If he has
something, she wants it too. She's even gone as far as to lift
her leg to pee just like her big
brother! It's a pretty funny sight. Judique is forever
curious. When we walk, she notices every little thing and gives
me a warning bark letting me know when something is different.

After her first winter which she thoroughly enjoyed, Judique took it
pretty easy during the long hot summer. She spent her weekends
at the off-leash dog park in Manotick where she met many new friends
and discovered the joys of swimming. Now that the cooler weather
is back, she goes to Conroy Pit and plays her heart out. Being
primarily a Siberian husky, I think she is anxious for the snow to
come back.

We named her Judique after a small community in Cape Breton, Nova
Scotia where we plan to retire. This fall Judique and Bear went
to Cape Breton with us and had a ball running on the beach, seeing new
things and meeting
new people.

You can follow Judique on her Facebook page. She's a busy girl.
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