Hi everyone!
I'm all settled in and I get along great with my new sisters
(chihuahuas). Thank you for helping me find my forever home!

Hey guys.
Just updating you on "Maxwell". I have changed his name and he is now
"Jaxon". He knows his name very well and has learned how to sit and
give me his paw. Still having some accidents in the house but we're
some progress. This is a picture of him after our adventure today. All
tired out. PS look at how big he's gotten. No more ribs or hip bones
showing. Hope all is well there and thank you once again for providing
me with my new best friend!!

Update November '14
Jamie and Jaxon here! Jaxon is doing great. He's finally fully house
trained and best friends with my cat. Do you guys have any background
info on Jaxon (Maxwell)? Me and my mom were just discussing it and
we're curious as to how he was found. He also has a hefty scar on his
hip. Was he treated for a wound upon arrival? I know this is a little
late to be asking this as you guys have many animals and may not
remember. But if by chance you do recall any info about Jax, we'd love
to hear it! Thanks guys!!

Update February '19
I am
touched that you guys are still reaching out for follow ups on Jaxon
(Maxwell). He is doing amazing and is quite the character. He is now
over 100lbs (much larger than I originally expected him to be) and is
quite stubborn. So if you walk him and he wants to chase the
squirrel... you’re chasing the squirrel lol.
had him DNA tested and the results came back majority Staffordshire
terrier and to our surprise Mastiff! The mastiff explains his large

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