I just
thought I would drop a line. I adopted “Randy”, a Shepherd/??? mix
(collie? Lab?) in December of 2011. He underwent a name change, and
is now “Harvey” (after the Pooka from the 1940’s James Stewart
movie). If you wonder why Harvey, please see
(first night at home)

He is
as cute, handsome, and loveable as ever with maybe a little too much
affection for everyone and everything he meets. I often get comments
on how much people would like to steal him from me.
(playing with "Cato")

I have
added a couple of pictures so that you might see his progression. He
happily retrieves balls, sticks and Frisbees, and loves meeting new
dogs, cats, people, and anything else that might be happy to play with
(car ride at 3 months)

I will
keep you posted on how he develops! Thank you so much for caring for
his first few months of life, especially to the host family (or
(car ride at 7 months)

All the best.
(ice fishing, February 2012)
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