Harry is doing very well, he has been very active and has adapted
quickly to his new home. He loves going in the car, which he was
afraid of at first, but that could be because we take him to new and
exciting places every time he gets in. Last weekend we took Harry to
a dog park for a change to the daily routine and really enjoyed
running with the other dogs and splashing in all the puddles.
Harry is a very intelligent boy, he has already mastered the use of
the dog door so he comes in and out of the house as he pleases, but
mostly he is outside which is not a surprise since he is a Husky. He
quickly adapted to the daily routine and is always excited for his
morning and evening walks. I have started running with him on weekday
mornings and he is the perfect running partner, he does not pull and
is a steady runner who is not easily distracted.
There are a few issues we need to work on, like the fact that he is a
bit nervous around my husband still, but hopefully over time they will
develop a relationship. We will be signing him up for obedience
training soon, and then hopefully some dog agility classes. He is
still a bit thin and we are working on fattening him up, but
fortunately he has gained 5 pounds since he has been with us.
are a few of the pictures from the past month. As you can see Harry
is a very happy boy!

Update March '19
Harry is doing very well and we are very attached to him. He loves
going for walks and is always interested in going to new and
interesting places. One of his favourite places is the Stittsville dog
park where he can get off the lead and play with the other dogs. I
have attached a recent photo and if you would like to see more you can
check out his instagram account @huskydogharry

Update June '20
Harry is doing very well and is really enjoying having us home all of
the time these days. With the warmer weather he is a little less
active, but loves to wade in the water on the hot days we have had. He
is much happier in the cooler weather. Here are a couple of recent

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