is doing really well. He's been such a good boy. I'm so
happy that he's my dog!! The vet says he is in perfect health.
Please tell everyone that Harry is doing well and a big thank you for
helping me find such a wonderful pal.

Update October '12
Harry is doing great! I think his eye is still a bit sore.
Sometimes he blinks a lot and tries to rub it with his paw. I
put his cone back on until he stops. Besides that I think he's
perfect. I'll send some pictures.

Update September '14
I adopted
Harry just over two years ago. From the day I brought him home Harry
has been the best pup ever. He is snuggly and sweet and I can't
imagine my life without him. Thanks so much for bringing the two of us

Update September '20
Harry is doing great! He is still my best friend and partner in
everything. Harry is still a cuddle bug and follows me everywhere. I
will always be grateful to you guys for saving Harry and allowing me
to adopt him.

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