Harley was adopted in 2013 at 12 weeks old (formerly Everton), and is
now 7 years old. He has a house-cat personality, and would happily
laze around on his couch or deck all day long, surfacing for treats
and pets, and cuddling in bed. Blue, his brother, was adopted in 2015,
at 12 weeks old (formerly Merlin) and is now 4.5, but has puppy brains
and energy for days! He has many "girlfriends" and is a crowd
favourite as he gives endless kisses (always right on the lips). The
boys love their life, living in the country with plenty of land and
space to explore - and live true to their Northern roots, howling on
queue. They are a lot of dog to love, but I couldn't imagine my life
without them.

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