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Well it has been quite the task with Froyd that's for sure, but it's also
been a blast!

It took a little while for him to get used to his settings, as well for
myself to adjust to what works best for him! He's big on routine!

Froyd is doing great! He still has his usually crazy hyperness!  But I've
purchased a harness for him and a pair of roller blades.. And whoa! That dog loves to run! It was for sure worth the purchase! I stand on the roller blades and he pulls me! Haha its great! It gets out all of his
energy because I do it 1ce or 2ce a day!

He loves to stare out the window, he's a huge cuddle bug especially at night time! He loves all the toys I buy him! He's very spoiled that's for sure! I also use a bone and put peanut butter in it and toss it in the freezer which keeps him busy as well!

He knows how to sit, high five, and lie down! We're still working on the whole "come here" thing because he never wants to come back inside! He doesn't go to the bathroom in the house at all, asks for out, doesn't bark in his cage either!

He truly is a sweetheart! And after exercising him so much .. He's turned into a great dog! Thanks for giving him another chance and thank you for letting me adopt him! We're a great pair and we have way too much fun!















































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