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New home, new name: Drake is now Forrest. We think it suits him quite well. He has been settling in very well, and Finn has been getting used to having a very playful puppy around. They keep each other quite busy, and mostly out of trouble. With all that playing, Forrest has even lost a bit of weight already!
















Update January ‘21

Forrest is doing great. Starting off at 42lbs, he’s now down to a sleek 29 lbs! I was a bit worried that he lost the weight too quickly, but the vet assured me that, since his appetite is still good, the rapid weight loss is probably just due to his new active lifestyle.

Forrest and Finn are getting along great. They love playing tug-o-war and scrapping around. We’ve been taking them for off-leash playtime in the field behind our house so they can stretch their legs and practice recall, and Forrest is a real champ. He always comes running for treats! Quite impressive for a beagle.

We have had some issues with Forrest’s chewing habits, but he’s getting better and better at limiting his chewing to his many new chew toys. Even though he has a tonne of energy and could run all day, once it’s bedtime, it’s cuddle time, especially if he can snuggle under the blankets.

Thank you again for all the work you do and for bringing Forrest into our lives!









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