Finnigan (aka Bradley) has been a member of our family since August,
2007. He is an amazing dog and has been an incredible companion for
the kids. Finnigan has worn vet costumes, tutus, and a princess
tiara. When he was younger, he would go for runs with me. It was
wonderful to have him as my running partner. Lately he is showing his
age. We were very concerned in April that we were going to have to
put him down, his back legs kept giving out. It turns out it is
neurological. He is doing better with medication. Finnigan is a
moochy pooch, enjoying PB toast, ribs, spaghetti sauce, etc. He is
amazing with all little kids other dogs, and even our bearded dragon,
wishes for all the pups and cats, and to all of your SPCAWQ staff!
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