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Elon pulled out the adoption contract and said he wants to fire his legal counsel because they forgot to include ‘sleeps on human’s bed’ in the contract. But after 3 tries, he was very content to lay on one of his comfy beds beside me! He seems to be really happy here. The house is big and he has lots of room to run around and play with toys and his ball. But he also just chills nicely for a bit while he awaits another little adventure. He already knows that when Doug puts on his hat, they’re going outside. Thanks again! We’re having fun!





Update September '20

Elon (was Kiwi) here. Just an update on how I am doing. So, 8 weeks ago, you chose Janis & Doug as my new parents and they loaded me into their Tesla for the long drive to my new home on Lake Simcoe. (Yeah, my dad is obsessed with Elon Musk and all things Tesla- hence my new name Elon, which has grown on me.)

Training has been an ongoing job but I am persisting. They are coming along with their training on many fronts:

1.  I pretty well have them trained to throw my ball on command and to provide treats every time I return it to them.

2.  Although I do retreat to my crate while they are at the dinner table, I have trained them to leave the door open since I’m certainly not going anywhere- I have a prime view of the table from my crate!

3. They were slow on the uptake but they seem to have finally come round to the importance of keeping the tables and counters free of food and dirty dishes.  I had my hands full trying to clean up after them!

4. It took me 2 unpleasant instances where I had to graphically demonstrate the importance of letting me out for my potty when I’m ready – I’m pretty sure they got the point so all good on that front now!

5. Leash training for walking my mom is going pretty well - she can be on a nice slack leash without pulling me as long as I don’t have any what she refers to as distractions. Not sure why she is so set in her ways on our walks and she refuses to bark and race over to check out all the exciting things like dogs, chipmunks, cars, people, butterflies, birds, wooden-cutouts-of-a-cowboy-leaning-against-a-fencepost (OK - maybe this last one isn’t all that exciting since it just stood there in spite of my barking and lunging).

Instead of the typical Obedience Classes, Mom has enrolled the 2 of us in a Lifeskills I programme - she showed me the write-up on it: Science-based... we’ll play games to build focus, calmness, impulse control, confidence, proximity (value for being near you), recalls…  I know - weird eh? But she seems to like it and I just spend the class time looking around at everything and barking at things to see if they’ll run and jump. Then, we’ll play the games she learns at home until the next class – that’s pretty fun!

SSSooo - as you can well imagine, it has been quite the change in my lifestyle. By the way, I LOVE the lake and I walk in to cool off at least a gazillion times a day!

Hope you’re finding lots of great homes for all my pals who find themselves there with you for a while. Tell them you’re doing a great job of that- I can attest to that!

Love Elon





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