Eliza is 2 1/2 years old!!! She is a lovely girl and very energetic.
She has 2 sister cats (Eva 4 years old and
8 years old) and she loves them. She is really part of our family. She
is a kind of dog who loves her family; we learn about her BARKS. We
know when she wants to go out and we know when she wants other things
like hugs and eat. Thanks again to you to give to us the chance to
adopt Eliza the wonderful girl.

Update September '20
would like to thank you all for the adoption of our wonderful and
intelligent Eliza.
she is a big girl of 55 pounds. She is so intelligent and very kind
and nice with adults and cats, particularly with Eva, our 5 year old
female cat. Eva loves so much her sister dog because when she was a
little baby cat, she lived with our German pointer and they loved each
other during 5 years and before my 14 year old dog died, Eva slept
with her during 1 week. So right now they are already friends because
Eliza is calm and mature. She is 3 years old right now. And we can say
Eliza only and not BARKS because she did a lot of progress. She loves
the other dogs energetic like her. We love her very, very much and
thanks again.

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