brought Rascal into our lives March 2017. Being a rescue from St
Maarten we weren’t sure what to expect in terms of training. The first
couple weeks he wasn’t sure of the rules and would counter surf and
loved to bolt out the door and give mommy a heart attack. But after a
short amount of adjustment and learning he quickly learned that we
would in fact feed him every day even if he didn’t steal his food. He
learnt that the best place to be was in fact at home and he had
unconditional love here.
two young daughters learnt how wonderful it was to have a pet. How not
scary dogs really were. And they love him so very much. We
unfortunately had to change his name as my then 2 year old wasn’t
quite pronouncing her Rs, Cs at the time and was running around
yelling Asol lol. So he is now named after my favorite comic family
Deadpool’s dog.
seriously loves his naps, his girls, walks, peddle boat rides at the
cottage, having random spurts of energy where he makes us all laugh
running through the house, playing with his dad after the girls go to
bed, and of course playing with his kibbles before eating them.
Surprisingly, he does not like swimming but if his girls are out on
the lake he will chase them down to get on the boat.
weren’t sure what to expect but Cujo is probably the best tempered dog
I have ever owned. And I grew up with many. He has become a big part
of our family and I couldn’t imagine our family being complete without
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