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My husband and I adopted Adrian (we re-named him Calvin) about one year ago, and we wanted to give you an update on how he’s doing! In short, he’s doing really well, and we love him to bits. When we first brought him home, he was really skinny and was reportedly having digestive issues. I’m happy to say that he is now at a very healthy weight, and loves to eat (see the picture of him resting/waiting on top of his food dispenser). He’s a playful little guy who loves to cuddle and be carried around and he’s not shy about asking for attention! He also adores our other cat, Chloe, and will frequently take it upon himself to give her unsolicited grooming. All in all, he’s settled in very nicely to his new home, and we can’t imagine life without this little character. My husband and I would like to express our gratitude to your organization for all the good work that you do. Thanks a million!






















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