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Bizz here! It’s been 2 whole weeks now at my forever home! Time sure does fly! I met new friends this week!! Dad introduced me to Dr Shelah, Abby (she’s the receptionist), and Dana (the technician). Dr Shelah says I’m very smart and Bizzy!! I kept them on their toes while they checked me out. Dr Shelah gave me a clean bill of health and suggested some interactive toys because I’m so Bizzy. Dad says I’m really good in the car. I lie in my carrier and watch the scenery. Speaking of Bizzy, it’s been a Bizzy week! I have learned sooooo many things!! I’ve learned it’s not ok to scratch the furniture (that was easy because mom brought home 2 types of scratching posts); I’ve learned it’s not ok to bug people when they eat (see attached picture so you can

see what a good girl I’m being!); I’m learning to walk on a leash! (I’m not too sure what I think of that yet). I’ve also invented some games to play! I love to play ‘hunt’. Mom or dad hides behind a corner and I stalk them and try to surprise them. It’s a pretty fun game!! I also like to play a game when mom goes outside I like to watch her in the window. When she comes back in, she hides and I try to surprise her!!! I’ve got soooo many new toys! But my favorites are my new tunnel, my new perch that has a ball to roll around and my feather on a string. I jump really high for that one!

Ok, Mom is calling and says I have to go eat now. I’ll send another update as I learn new things!!

Thank you for taking care of me before my forever home.

Hugs and kisses,

























Update December ‘20

Wow what a past few weeks it’s been! I have been learning so much! You will be pleased to know I have mastered the command of sit. Now I’m learning to lie down. Dad weighed me the other day and says I’ve gained a whole pound! Mom is convinced I’ve doubled in size. Christmas is an interesting time of year. First Mom and Dad put up a tree. I was curious about this tree. I looked at it. I walked under it to let the branches tickle my back. Mom and Dad are happy to report it only took a couple of times for me to learn not to grab the branches. It was hard at first, but I’ve learned to ignore the tree! Then there was shopping to be had. I didn’t know anything about this, so Mom and Dad helped me scrape together a few kitty bucks. Dad was pretty impressed with his ornament and chocolates, and Mom loved her turtles (whatever they are??) Now here is where it gets really strange. They told me about this guy. His name is Santa. Apparently he breaks into your house and leaves you PRESENTS if you are good. I know....weird right??? But I decided to be on my best behaviour, you know just in case. You know what?? They weren’t kidding!!! Yesterday we got up and guess what?? My stocking was full of presents!! Mom helped me unwrap them. My favorite present came from Auntie Cheryl. I haven’t met her yet, but I like her style. She gave me a stuffie with something called catnip. I think I’m going to like her!!! Then at dinner I got a treat for being such a good girl in the kitchen. So when Mom and Dad are in the kitchen I like to sit on a stool and watch. I had no idea the dividends this would give!!!! I got to eat TURKEY!! I have to say I approve of this feast! I think I’m going to like Christmas! This happens every year right??? Anyhow, those have been some of my adventures these past few weeks. I hope Santa broke into your house too!!

Love and Licks,

















Update January ‘21

Whew, Christmas was a whirl wind! But now Mom and Dad say we are in lockdown. I don’t know what that means. It sounds serious enough. It doesn’t seem to change anything for me!! I still play all day and have adventures! I don’t know if you know this, but apparently Nancy New Year brings you gifts! So I’m unsure of the rules, but it would seem there’s this thing called Boxing Day. It’s the best day of the year!!! I had all kinds of boxes to jump in! So ... moms and dads sometimes go online and buy stuff. And then they get delivered!! Not only did I get new boxes, I got a new toy! (See the action shot of me playing!) New Years was interesting. Mom and Dad had their wine and introduced me to a movie they said was a classic. I really got into it!! It has something to do with Grumpy Old Men. I really liked it! Today was fun! It is my first time experiencing snow. I’ve been watching it fall, so today I asked if I could go out. Mom says I’m a pro, but I’m still not sure what I think of it. I tried jumping in it. It was deep!! It seems to be a community thing when it snows because I met all the neighbours. They were outside too. I tried to help dad with the shovel, but my feet got wet (dislike) and they wouldn’t let me in the garage or under the car. Booooooo! So I decided to go back in and take a much needed nap!

Happy New Year to you all!

Love and licks,


















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