I just
wanted to send a little note to say thank you for your help in
adopting Benji.
He is
doing great! He loves going for long walks! The only
problem we have had so far is that he loves to give kisses whenever I
sit on the couch. He is making it very hard to watch TV!
went to see the vet on Saturday and they did some blood work (he was
very good with the needle!). Except for his bladder infection,
Benji is in great health. They gave us some antibiotics and the
infection should clear up in a few days.
introduced Benji to the rest of the dogs in our family yesterday.
My sister has a Lab and a Jack Russell Terrier and my parents have a
Lhaso Apso. They all got along famously. My sister's
backyard is huge and the dogs had a great time running around and
playing in the backyard.
All in
all, Benji is fitting in great with his new family. Once again,
thank you very much for your help in finding Benji.
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