I adopted
Beau on December 30th 2014. He has brought lots of joy to myself,
my roommate and my boyfriend. He is striving very well. We still have
a few issues to resolve but like a true lab, we might need to just
“take it as it is” (food cannot be left out). He is the happiest when
included with us, either going for car rides or just watching a movie.
He loves to be near us. He has the biggest “man crush” on my
boyfriend and I always joke that he is just with me because he doesn’t
want to break Beau’s heart. We have a house with 3 cats now. (my
roommate has 2 cats, I have 1). Beau gets along well but sometimes
gets excited and when he tries to play with them, he is met with some
quick paw hits in the face!
I’ve attached a few pictures of his recent birthday party.

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