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My sweet Baybee is a very happy frisky little girl.  She does not like the cold but we have many little sweaters that keep her warm when she has to go outside.  One of our rescue cats, Smarty Kat has accepted her advances of friendship but our other rescue cat Sassy Baby Cat is still standoffish.  She will warm up to her in time I am sure.  She spends her days with me and starts watching for my husband out the window at about 4 or 4:30.  She sleeps beside him every night. I will try to send pictures but I am not great at getting them to my email.  Thank you for choosing me, we love having her in our family




Update November '20

She is a dear little companion who is loved by all of my family and friends, adults and children included. My husband and I had previously owned a Border Collie and 4 consecutive German Shepherds.  I could no longer deal with a large hugely shedding big dog so I chose Baybee before he could get another big dog that would be too strong for me to walk and that could knock me down if she jumped up on me. He was very dubious for the first 2 or 3 hours after he met her but is very much in love with her now. She plays tag with our 13 year old cat and has given him a new lease on life.  So cute to watch them chase each other back and forth.  Thank you for choosing me to be her new best friend.




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